Something New & Exciting! Can You Guess What It Is?

Posted by Roy Robertson on

If you've been a follower of Saddlemount Cards® on our  various platforms you must realise that Roy likes to create his dog cards ( he's had dogs all his life) but his true passion is with all things Goth & Gothic.

Well 2025 is the year he has decided to start a new project to compliment the Gothic range of cards which we have.

Now I could give you 3 guesses as to what he's doing but I don't think that you'll guess it in a million years! But I'll give you a minute to see if you can guess.......................................................

........He's started his own You Tube Channel!


A You Tube channel full of original songs which he has composed - all with a Gothic/Goth theme.  The channel is called: RougieArt® and you can find it at:

We've been married almost 12 years and whilst I obviously knew he was artistic and could design cards I never knew that he was musical as well!

It seems like there's never been a truer saying than you learn something everyday!

Here's a little taste of what's on the channel:

If this is  your sort of music then don't forget to subscribe to the channel and you can keep up to date on all his new releases!




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