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We like to mix it up a bit here at Saddlemount Cards!

Posted by Susan Robertson on

We like to mix it up a bit here at Saddlemount Cards!

Many card companies have a particular style to their card designs - there are lots of card companies I can think of where, if their cards where mixed up in a random pile of cards, you would be able to pick them out easily. It could be the image style, or the fact that they only use a particular background, or maybe they only work in a particular medium, or that they have a linked theme.  Now there's nothing wrong with that but here at Saddlemount Cards® we like to mix it up a bit! So if you asked me what is...

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It may only be July but Christmas is coming....

Posted by Susan Robertson on

It may only be July but Christmas is coming....

We're in the middle of July and today the weather outside is scorching,  but for the last few weeks our minds and attention have been firmly fixed on one thing, and one thing only - Christmas!  Ready or not Christmas is coming.....and fast! I can hear your groans loud and clear - "what on earth is she doing mentioning Christmas now, the woman must be mad!!!!" On line businesses are no different to traditional bricks and mortar retail shops - you have to be thinking ahead and planning for what is traditionally the busiest season of the year. Now if...

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Why Bother Sending a Greetings Card?

Posted by Susan Robertson on

Why Bother Sending a Greetings Card?

It might seem a strange question for a Greetings Card seller to ask, but "Why bother sending a Greetings Card?". In this day and age surely it's a lot easier just to send a quick text or drop a message onto "What's App"? However the very fact that it is easier to send a quick text gives you the reason why you should still be sending Greetings Cards! Taking time to choose an appropriate card for the person and occasion, shows the recipient that you care enough about them to take that extra time out of,what is probably, your busy schedule, just...

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