Welcome to Saddlemount Cards

"I've had an idea!"

Posted by Susan Robertson on

"I've had an idea!"

"I've had an idea" - 4 short words that make my husband groan as he doesn't know what I'll come out with next! If you've read some of the earlier posts you will already know that Roy is the creative powerhouse in this business. Despite trying to get my head around all the creative and graphic design programmes we have I just can't seem to get grips with them  Years ago I did 2 terms at nightschool trying to master Photoshop and although I understand what it is capable of creating, making it do what it should be doing is a whole different ball game!...

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It may only be July but Christmas is coming....

Posted by Susan Robertson on

It may only be July but Christmas is coming....

We're in the middle of July and today the weather outside is scorching,  but for the last few weeks our minds and attention have been firmly fixed on one thing, and one thing only - Christmas!  Ready or not Christmas is coming.....and fast! I can hear your groans loud and clear - "what on earth is she doing mentioning Christmas now, the woman must be mad!!!!" On line businesses are no different to traditional bricks and mortar retail shops - you have to be thinking ahead and planning for what is traditionally the busiest season of the year. Now if...

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A Nation of Animal Lovers

Posted by Susan Robertson on

A Nation of Animal Lovers

The UK has long had the reputation of being a nation of animal lovers, and way back in 1822 we were the first country to bring into legislation animal protection laws. According to the latest annual "Paw Report" into animal wellbeing report available from the PDSA "Paw Report 2019" in the UK there are 9.9 million dogs and 10.9 million cats! Well here at Saddlemount Cards we definitely love our animals - we currently have both a dog and a cat.  Our dog is a 3 year old cross breed, her dad was a pedigree Rough Collie and her mum...

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Why Bother Sending a Greetings Card?

Posted by Susan Robertson on

Why Bother Sending a Greetings Card?

It might seem a strange question for a Greetings Card seller to ask, but "Why bother sending a Greetings Card?". In this day and age surely it's a lot easier just to send a quick text or drop a message onto "What's App"? However the very fact that it is easier to send a quick text gives you the reason why you should still be sending Greetings Cards! Taking time to choose an appropriate card for the person and occasion, shows the recipient that you care enough about them to take that extra time out of,what is probably, your busy schedule, just...

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Welcome to Saddlemount Cards!

Posted by Susan Robertson on

Welcome to Saddlemount Cards!

I think it's about time I got round to sitting down, with a nice cup of coffee, to write a “Welcome" post for Saddlemount Cards!   We've (and this explains who "we" are) had this e-commerce store open for quite a while now but we've rather neglected it until recently. We previously had, and still have, our products on different selling platforms - with a mix of our Ceramic Mugs, Drinks Coasters, Cushion Covers and, of course our Greetings Cards and Art Prints, but we really wanted to have a showcase for what we plan to focus on going forward. We've got...

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